Life Reboot: What Do I Want More Of In My Life?
As part of the life reboot process, I have to figure out a target for where I am going. Sometimes it is as simple as asking what I want more of in my life.
Deciding What You Want
I found that the best way to do this was to sit down and write everything that came into my head for 5 minutes. Some of the answers surprised me.
What I Want More Of in 2012
- Pauses
- Sleep
- Joy
- Time to think
- Time to plan
- Time to create
- Nature
- Prosperity
- Gratitude
- Music
- Sunshine
- Nutritious food
- Social
- Smiles
- Cuddles with fur-beasts
The list is not the full list of what I came up with, but some of the items surprised me. Gratitude? Sleep? I hadn’t thought I was short on either, but they popped into my head.
Figuring Out How To Get This Stuff
The next task is to look at ways on how I can bring these things into my life. Nothing on my list is outside the realm of possibility; I didn’t ask for the moon. 🙂
Some of them are easy: bringing more music into my life means that I need to work it in. There are lots of times at work when I find myself distracted by the b*tching discussions of my co-workers floating over the wall. Plugging into music can eliminate that distraction and bring more music into my life.
Some things will need me to rearrange my schedule. It’s not that I don’t have time to sleep, plan, think or create, but that they are not the first things on my list. I find myself conscious of too much time wasted on things that could be better put to use.
Some things are best brought about my a shift in consciousness. If I am aware of a desire to smile, eat nutritious food, and look for things to be grateful for, I will do them. If left to my current frantic state of unawareness, I might not.
What are things you want more of in your life in 2012? How can you bring them about? Share below.
Photo by lovelihood
Articles In The Series:
- Life Reboot: Where Do You Start?
- Your Ideal Evening
- What Do I Want My Weekends To Look Like?
- What Do I Want More Of In My Life?
- What Do I Want Less Of In My Life?
- Projects, Open Loops and the RAM Dump
- Thinning Projects
- Doing A Time Audit
- Eliminating Time Wasters
- Do You Have Brain Thrash?
- How To Streamline Inputs
- How To Plan A Month
- How To Make A Weekly Plan
Dawn Goldberg
I love this list! I could go all left-brain and decide that I need to really think about this list and create a perfect one. Instead, I’ll just do my list right now!
What I want more of in 2012:
– Great business relationships that fuel my energy and my soul
– More writing
– Quilting
– Taking a quilting class
– Watching classic movies
– More trips to California to visit my significant other
– More money
– Consistent open, unscheduled time
– More exercise time
– Creativity
– Exploring my creative, authentic self
Looking forward to what others write!
LJ Earnest
As a friend of mine said to me the other day, “Done is better than perfect.”
Dawn Goldberg
Oh, and how will I bring them about?
Actually schedule them. Make sure I’m important and everything else doesn’t end up being the default priority or activity. Carving out time.
LJ Earnest
Default activities are the bane of my existence. One of the Murphy corollaries is that work will expand to fill the given time…and my default activities do just that!