My Recipe Cheat Sheet
I have a tendency to make the same recipes frequently. I know the steps to make the food, but not necessarily the exact proportions. Yes, I could look them up, but just having a list with my bare-bones information was all I really needed.
To help me with this, I have put together a recipe cheat sheet.
A recipe cheat sheet is simple a shortcut for recipes that I make frequently. It’s not intended to be a full recipe listing, merely a jog for my memory.
I created this sheet because I was pulling the same recipes out of my box over and over. My memory isn’t the greatest, and quite frankly, while some cooking can be flexible, if you leave the sugar out of a batch of brownies you will know. This sheet hangs inside my recipe cupboard door and is there whenever I need it.
Creating a cheat sheet was very easy. My recipes are already on the computer, so it was just a matter of pulling out those I use frequently. A bit of formatting, and I was ready to go. The sheet is kept in a sheet protector to make it easy to hang, and easy to clean.
There are a few other cheat resources for the kitchen. The mat I use to roll things out on has recipes for biscuits and pie crusts printed on it. I also ran across a wonderful resource for fruit pies over at Martha Stewart’s site. (see Martha Stewart’s Pie Chart)
Having the recipe cheat sheet has saved me quite a bit of time in the kitchen.