What Would Your Ideal Day Look Like?
Back in fall of 2008, a question stuck with me. The question was posed: “What would your ideal day look like?” and then encouraged me to make my real day look as much like possible to my ideal day.
I thought about this on and off, and I decided what my ideal day would involve. At the time, my daughter as 5 and in kindergarten, but things really haven’t changed all that much.
- getting up early
- doing my daily reading
- walking the dog
- getting ready for the day
- getting the 15 minutes of housework done, along with cleaning up the kitchen
- an hour of blog reading
- two hours of writing
- lunch
- two more hours of writing
- late afternoon tasks, including time with my daughter
- dinner
- family time
- an hour of reading
The thing that struck me is that there is no outside-the-home job involved here. (Foreshadowing?)
I started to incorporate ideas into my daily life starting last week: numbers 1 to 4 were consistently done, and I was looking for a solid habit to be formed.
But what happens when you are forced to have your ideal day? More on that next…